Sage pastel payroll and HR

Sage Pastel Payroll and HR

Protect your business against fines and other penalties with Sage Pastel Payroll & HR’s software solution. Be 100% compliant with tax and other regulations, and have peace of mind when processing your Tax Year-End returns.

  • Automated software updates for processing that always complies with legislation
  • Automatic creation of employee payslips
  • Add-on modules for extended capabilities and improved business performance. Learn more

*Each Module comes with 1 user. Requests for additional users can be varied on any of the modules.

*This product is subject to an Annual License Fee. And it becomes payable before February 28, every year.

*Training access type (Virtual)

*The number of training delegates covered in the installation package:

  • 10-50 employees- 2 Delegates
  • 100-150 employees- 3 Delegates

Request for above 150 to an unlimited number of employees should send an email to or contact 08038023199, 014545435

* Support is included

*Training of additional delegates would attract extra charges




Seamless integration to Pastel Partner Accounting
Allows the two systems to integrate for the Cash Books and General Ledgers to a selected company

Predefined transactions
All required payments, deductions, benefits, and company contributions are pre-loaded, you can simply select and add any required transaction to employee payslips. It also allows you to create additional transactions if required.

Employee Self-Service
Human Resource and Payroll all built on the same platform. Empower your employees to access their secure online profile, submit travel claims, and manage their leave. With Cloud HR, certain HR functions are taken directly to each line manager and empower them to manage their staff directly. This includes online data capture, manager access to staff records in the cloud, distribution of HR related forms online with built-in workflow and approval, as well as email notifications.

Bulk Terminations and Reinstatements
This feature makes it easy to dismiss or re-employ multiple employees at once – especially useful if you employ seasonal or project-based employees.

Third-Party Payments
Create company deductions or contributions, like medical aids or pension funds.

Additional information

Select number employees

10 Employees, 25 Employees, 50 Employees, 100 Employees, 150 Employees

Purchase Employee Self Service Module

Yes, No

Purchase HR Module

Yes, No

Deployment/Setup Cost

Yes, No

Select your currency